Addiction - What makes it happen? Why? And how can someone not be?
Over the past few years I've been addicted to:
Smoking.(Gladly off right when I entered High School)
Video games.
Video games.
Since I started being addicted to Guild Wars, I've been ignoring my classes, schedules, my own health just to play Guild Wars. Bad choices, yes, but it's been a problem with many things. I sacrifice my own life to play, to just go around whack things with an axe and hope to make 3 plat a day.
On smoking. Before I got addicted to it I've tried many diff. other drugs and did not get addicted to those. And I tried cigs. The thing that called my grandpa, got my half sister kicked out of the house, and that sad lady who had a hole in her neck. And I got addicted.
Two very possible reasons why, wether it be chemical or a mind set. But why is it still addicting when a person knows something is wrong, and can not force to stop?
If you would like to question, insult, or whatever, please leave a PM. I'd rather have a PM saying go f*ckyourself and get a life, than actually killing the point in why I put this up.